Embark on a guitar learning experience like no other. At Learn Guitar Cafe—a personalized service designed to elevate your playing, foster a sense of ease, and build a supportive musical community. Inside Learn Guitar Cafe you will find a fun and organised approach to learning. It’s designed so that you get just the right things at the right time in your development. And NO, it won’t cost you thousands of dollars…
Always know your next steps with a clear roadmap tailored for your skill level.
Navigate Your Musical Journey with Confidence
Develop a feeling of ease as you play, enhancing your overall musical experience.
Mastery of Techniques
Master slide and fingerstyle techniques with precision, minimizing mistakes in your performances
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Benefit from my guidance and coaching throughout your musical journey.
Learn Guitar at Your Own Pace, From Home
Immerse yourself in an online environment that encourages and motivates you to practice regularly.
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Gain access to diverse learning materials, including video lessons, courses, PDFs, play-alongs, and more.
Explore my unique arrangements inspired by guitar greats like Ry Cooder, Lowell George, Derek Trucks and many others
Backing Tracks
Improvisation Tips and Theory Courses
Step Bt Step Instruction
Navigate your learning journey effortlessly with a centralized platform offering a step-by-step approach.
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Learn to play arrangements of mine or arrangements of your choice.
New exciting video lessons are added to the “LIck Lounge ” library often – so you’ll never run out of new pieces, jam tracks or concepts to work on
Access to Over 15 Courses In Slide Guitar studying the styles of Ry Cooder, Lowell George and Derek Trucks
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Paul has a created an excellent platform here for anyone wanting to to take the leap into slide guitar and guitar in general really. His style of teaching and quality of teaching materials is the best I have come across in the world of slide guitar - That includes Truefire and other big sites. I take Guitar Vision sessions with Paul once a month and I got to say this is working for me. I was weighing up what I was spending on private tuition here in New York and its not exactly cheap...way way over the cost of a membership here at Learn Guitar Cafe! Paul puts your guitar technique under the microscope and analyses the videos you send him carefully. You can also see how your progressing which was very inspiring for me, Im enjoying practicing more now as I understand what I'm working on and why.

Both plans include full access into all of my courses - A Guitar Pro plan will get you 12 Guitar Vision Sessions - 1 Per month. Guitar Vision is personal feedback service. These sessions are available for $100 each and if you would like to know more - CLICK HERE

Record A Video Of The Piece You're Currently Working On
Upload The Video To A Private Secure Platform
Receive A Personalised Video Feedback From Me Within 48 Hours.
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BOTH Plans Include These Features:
Learn to play solo arrangements from Paul's Collection of Arrangements with easy to follow video lessons
New exciting video lessons are added to the “Lick Lounge” library often – so you’ll never run out of new pieces to work on
You’ll love using the loop / slow down feature or Slow Motion Videos so you can practice tricky passages with Paul , slowly – over and over, as often as you need!
Want to learn a song not yet in the membership area ? Just contact me personally and I will reply
Choose YOUR own learning style YOU can learn songs, work on exercises, licks and improvisation.
You’ll learn songs from bite sized “video modules” to make the learning process easy. This way, you’ll easily keep track of your step-by-step progress.
Watch in amazement as YOUR “guitar technique” improves as if by magic
YOU may find that you are learning “theory” and fretboard harmony, effortlessly with Pauls no BS approach.
Deepen YOUR groove with rhythm concepts, techniques, and exercises that you can practice anywhere, anytime
Many people have commented on Paul's teaching style - His attention to detail whether its animating the TAB or the fretboard.
HD quality closeups of hands up close to learn the exact position, techniques and movements YOU’LL need to play…
Split screen views will help YOU with turbo charged, accurate learning Crisp, vibrant HD video with pristine crystal clear sound make the learning easy and pleasurable
If YOU are a beginner, intermediate or advanced player – your lessons will be tailored to YOUR level.
Lessons available anytime you want, you’ll be able to learn 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Enjoy the convenience of watching the lessons across all your devices (tablets, phones, computer)
Have a question? YOU can ask Paul questions via email
IF You hold a PRO Membership you will get 1 Personal Video reply per month ( SEE GUITAR VISION )
You’ll learn from Paul's own brand of teaching style
Experience effortless, correct guitar technique which will enable you to “glide” through the arrangements – with ease!
You’ll enjoy the convenience of taking guitar lessons from Paul at your home, no matter where in the world you live
No more traveling & scheduling problems for lessons…(now, lessons will fit in perfectly with YOUR work and family schedules)
No more typical Skype “hassles” with cameras, mics and shaky internet connections With Paul's Guitar Vision Sessions.
You’ll boost your learning and motivation by being in a community
It’s INSANELY affordable…a Standard plan costs less than 82 cents per day
Cancel anytime – NO QUESTIONS ASKED! Secure payment credit cards accepted
Enjoy taking guitar lessons from Paul at your home, no matter where in the world you live in the world
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Open Tunings - Get inside the playing style of Ry Cooder through his use of Open Tunings. We will explore the use of open D and G tunings and discover how Guitarists like Ry Cooder, Lowell George, Stephen Stills and Derek Trucks uses them with and without a capo. You will also get an understanding of other tunings E, A and some other exotic tunings.
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Paul breaks down the techniques behind many of these great players this includes downloadable PDFs and Guitar Pro Files and of course the Video Lessons that Paul's students rave about.
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Improvising - Ry Cooder, Derek Trucks, Sonny Landreth , Lowell George and Mick Taylor to name a few, never play the same thing twice. Have you ever wondered how they do this ? Paul show's you how to play a bottleneck solo and will explain the theory behind it so you can take these concepts and include them into your own playing style.
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How To Set Up Your Guitar- Discover the best string gauges for open tunings and how to find the right action for fretting notes and using the bottleneck.
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Choosing A Slide - There are many slides to choose from but many miss the point of weight verse sound, discover how this works and how to select the best slide for your playing style
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How To Play Many Of Ry's Classic Intros - From Tattler to I Think Its Going To Work Out Fine Paul will breakdown many of the finer details of Ry's Playing style.
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Finger Style Techniques - You will get a rare insight into the syncopated fingerstyle playing of Ry Cooder as Paul takes the essence of Ry and other masters and explains what he has learned through over 20 years of live and studio experience.
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Heres some of what you can expect inside the course

Last chance to buy!

Insine value for a fraction of the normal price.

A Complete course dedicated to Open E Tuning and Slide Guitar - Over 6 Hours of Top Quality Content including Tabs and Backing Tracks.

Send Paul a video of a piece your working on and he will respond with a personalised video critique. This has been very popular with a number of students who have reaped the benefits of this style of learning.

A true legend of slide guitar and the man credited with turning Keith Richards on to open G tuning, Cooder himself plays in many different tunings. In this Course we will look at many of his most requested pieces and the techniques behind them. You will discover how to use the bottleneck to really make it sing! Theres so much material in this Course over 6 hours with more to come.

Paul analyses the iconic slide guitar instrumental Layfayette Railroad and the classic truckin tune Willin. Both adapted to open G Tuning, Paul talks about developing your own slide guitar technique and how to approach improvisation. This includes backing tracks, TABs and guitar pro files.

This course is for those wanting to really explore the fretboard and get deep with improvisation and understanding the fretboard in open D Tuning This course alone is worth the price of entry.
TOTAL VALUE: $1195.00
Are You Ready To Start?
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- Preferred optionAnnual payment ($199.00)$199.00/yr
- Preferred optionAnnual payment ($799.00)$799.00/yr
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